Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mitt Romney was right, and that's why we should have elected Hillary Clinton

Here are the facts:
1) NSA director Admiral Michael Rogers has made it clear: a foreign government hacked the campaign of a particular candidate in a foreign election - OUR election - with the intent of giving an advantage to Donald Trump.
2) Donald Trump has refused to speak ill of Russia in his entire time on the campaign trail, instead preferring to stoke resentment against our NATO allies...ones that currently and justly fear Russian invasion.
3) Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has publicly stated that the Russian government through embassy staff had contacts with the Trump campaign, later confirmed by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
Here is the context:
1) In the 2012 election Mitt Romney rightly declared Russia to be the US's "#1 geopolitical foe." For the last 4 years, Republicans (and later even Democrats) accepted this assessment, until Donald Trump won the Republican party's nomination, at which point the entire party went dark on anti-Russian rhetoric.
2) Though President Putin himself has been carefully neutral Russian (government controlled) media has been overwhelmingly pro-Trump.
3) Anyone even remotely familiar with the practices of intelligence agencies knows that intelligence chiefs are typically housed in embassies with more innocuous titles and jobs as covers for their actual work. If Trump was going to be meeting with a foreign spy, "meeting with embassy staff" is how it would be spun.
4) Before the election, Donald Trump was reported to have repeatedly refused to accept the assessment of intelligence personnel in briefings when they told him that Russian agencies were responsible for the DNC hacks.
5) The Russian government is known to carry out cyber-attacks against neighbors, usually to further Russian goals in one way or another. Georgia in 2008 and the Ukraine in 2014 are obvious examples.
Here is my assessment:
1) There is a clear linking of interests and priorities between the expansionist autocratic dictator Vladimir Putin and President-elect Donald Trump.
2) Foreign dictatorial influence is bigger than "emails" and bigger than the run-of-the-mill corruption that was inevitable under Hillary Clinton.
3) In our attempt to avoid electing a corrupt candidate, we have instead elected the preferred candidate of the most dangerous man since Adolf Hitler.

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